Our Trip to

Armagh Planetarium 

P.5MS Sports Day June 2021

Teddybear Picnic June 2021

All the children in P.5MS composed their own line for Our Shared Poem on the Covid 19 Pandemic. 

They had great fun decorating their poem and speaking their lines in the video. 

We hope you enjoy it!


Click on the link to view it:


Wesak Lanterns Enter text...

 Look like TutankhamunEnter text...

During the month of October we had lots of fun in the Autumn sunshine.

As a class we wrote our own Autumn poem

We went out for a beautiful Autumn Walk and got caught in a shower of hail!!!

We came back in and quickly wrote down our thoughts on paper 

Mrs O'Shea cut them out and put them together as a patchwork of ideas.

The final format of the poem was agreed 

Read our finished poem here! We are very proud of it!

Our Finished Poem

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