Enniskillen Integrated Primary School

  1. Children
  2. Classes
  3. P6

Welcome to Year 6!

Below you will find information about what are getting up to in Year 6. 

P6NON: Mr O'Neill

Mrs Dane

P6RM: Mrs McKenna

Mrs Dennison


Autumn Term: Materials & Living Things (Animals)

Spring Term: Volcanoes & Earthquakes, Living Things (Plants)

Summer: Vikings & Locality Study


P.E. days on Tuesday and Friday

Our homework schedule:

Every night your child should be reading, practicing their times tables on TTRS(Times Tables Rockstars) and completing daily spelling practice. 

Monday: Mental Arithmetic

Tuesday: Learning Homework

Wednesday: English grammar/comprehension

Thursday: TTRS/Spelling Shed finish off 

Highlights from the year so far...